Company housing at Boissevain, VA.
This small red brick structure along the road in Boissevain is a surviving "coal house." This is where the coal company would deliver the coal that the families in the company homes would use in their kitchen stoves or pot-bellied stoves or Warm Morning stoves. The
reason that there are two holes for the coal truck's chute is because one "coal house" served two homes.
Probably "bosses row" in Boissevain.
The Pocahontas Fuel Company store in Boissevain as it looked in it's prime - note the fine landscaping that this very wealthy company could afford.
The Pocahontas Fuel Company store in Boissevain in ruins.
Today nothing remains from the Boissevain tipple pictured here.
Display on the edge of town in Boissevain, VA.
The UMWA hall for Boissevain is actually located over the hill in Abbs Valley.
Photo inside the Boissevain mine in the 1940's showing the fire boss checking the mine top before the section crew comes in for a shift.
Apr. 2006 image by author
Google Street View image
Apr. 2006 image by author
Image courtesy VT ImageBase, housed and operated by Digital Library and Archives, University Libraries; scanning by Digital Imaging, Learning Technologies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Apr. 2006 image by author
Image courtesy VT ImageBase, housed and operated by Digital Library and Archives, University Libraries; scanning by Digital Imaging, Learning Technologies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Apr. 2006 image by author
Mar. 2005 image by author
Image Courtesy VT ImageBase, housed and operated by Digital Library and Archives, University Libraries; scanning by Digital Imaging, Learning Technologies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University