Lincoln Gas Coal Company constructed Lincoln Hill mine and patch town in Washington County in 1917-18.
The first coal was shipped on August 26, 1918. Lincoln Mines No. 1 and 2 were
accessed by each having its own shaft. Rail service was provided by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the
PCC&SL Railroad. Later Lincoln Hill was owned by the Christopher Coal Company.
A July, 1920 article in The Coal Industry notes that Lincoln Hill "does not have the appearance and sameness of the
common mining camp, because of the striking dissimilarity of the houses." The article further states, "Each of the 153 houses
occupied, or under construction, is single, or for one family. There are 10 types of Aladdin houses represented on the plan besides
a number of decidedly different constructed houses and a number of three-room houses. The houses are supplied with running water or
an outside hydrant located between each two. Outside 'Sanisep' toilets and inside lavatories which drain into 'Sanisep' tanks
either individual, or in batteries, have been installed. A 16-room boarding house ... has been provided for employees in which
the miners hold their organization meetings. The Lincoln Hill Supply Company has erected a 40x70 brick building ... for the purpose
of supplying the necessities and luxuries to the employees at a minimum rate. The front portion of the upper part of the building
is the living rooms [sic] of the manager. In the basement is a complete refrigeration and ice plant. [In] the store proper a
butcher shop, ice cream parlor and confectionery occupy the main floor. The upstairs is utilized as a shoe department and storage
room ... The company is making every effort to give all possible opportunity [sic] for the children to receive education and
culture. A plot of land has been donated for school purposes but as yet the building has not been erected .. The company has been
furnishing transportation to those desiring to attend high school in Washington. This was done without charge to the employees,
an automobile making the trip morning and evening."
Company store and patch houses at Lincoln Hill, PA, near "Little" Washington.
The building on the left was the "amusement building," or "tavern," and the one on the right was the store.
The amusement building contained an auditorium, lobby, confectionery, reading room,
doctor's office, and there were pool tables and bowling alleys in the basement.
Overall view of the Lincoln Hill patch.
The Lincoln Hill tipple utilized the Peale-Davis Pneumo-Gravity coal cleaning system.
Inside the Lincoln Gas the Pittsburgh coal seam was high and thick. In 1926 they were in a 77" thick section of this
famous coal vein, but this photo looks like twice that height.
This structure was the blacksmith shop.
Blacksmiths inside the shop working at their forge.
A view showing what the inside of the company store looked like.
Good quality "model" company housing at Lincoln Hill. In the 1922
"Keystone Coal Catalog" Lincoln Gas Coal Co. described their town as being "located in one of the finest sections of Western Pennsylvania.
The lay-out of the town is in keeping with the natural beauty of its surroundings. The miners' houses are commodious and of pleasing
design. Sanitary conditions are excellent, ample grounds are provided for each tenant to have gardens, a first-class commissary is at
hand, and social diversions are offered the workment and their families."
Mar. 2004 image by author
July 2003 image by author
Mar. 2004 image by author
Circa 1930 image from "Keystone Coal Mining Catalog"
Circa 1920 image from The Coal Industry via Google Books
Circa 1920 image from The Coal Industry via Google Books
Circa 1920 image from The Coal Industry via Google Books
Circa 1920 image from The Coal Industry via Google Books
Circa 1920 image from The Coal Industry via Google Books