Inscription over the sealed, partially covered No. 42 Mine portal. The mine operated from 1907 until 1951 by the Berwind-White Coal Mining Company.
This stone building near the portal was the mine's car barn,
but is now a social club. Besides the portal, it is the only remaining structure from the mine.
Although the No. 42 mine began production in 1907, HABS/HAER research reveals that
these workers' houses weren't built until after 1910.
Eureka No. 42 company store, stable, and slaughterhouse.
Also this first aid station survives at No. 42, and is located across the street from the company store.
The school for No. 42 patch is closed and dilapidated.
Aerial view of Eureka 42, PA. Patch houses are at left, school is at top, company
store and stable is in the center, and slate dump is on the right.
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Apr. 2009 image by author
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