Berwind-White Coal Mining Co. built Eureka No. 40 from 1902 until 1905. In 1956 Eureka 40 had a daily capacity of 2000 tons. The annual tonnage for 1955 was 473,000 cy mining in a 43" section of "B" coal seam. In 1959 Eureka 40 produced 13,0333 tons, although advertised daily capacity was raised to 5000 tons per day worked by two shifts. Berwind-White closed Eureka 40 mine in 1962. Jandy Coal Co. leased the mine in the 1970s and early 80s.

This was one of the most intact historic coal mining sites that I ever witnessed. Due to the Windber Coal Heritage Center being nearby, I had hoped that it would be preserved. However, in 2011 it was demolished. When I inquired about the demolition the WCH Center explained, "The state (DEP) and federal government (EPA) stepped in and required Berwind Natural Resources (the property owner) to do an environmental cleanup because there was a 25 year agreement that Berwind had with the Eureka Coal Heritage Foundation and Southwestern PA Heritage Preservation Commission (the organization that Congressman Murtha initiated and funded, whose fourth 5 year charter ended in 2004) to rehabilitate the property and make it a park and a historical attraction. Unfortunately, funding dried up and this couldn’t be accomplished in time. The EPA wanted the water quality and acid mine drainage taken care of, although the levels weren’t too bad. Worse, the area was considered a hazardous environmental area (but never got approval as a brownfield) because of the waste oil and fuels that went into the ground from the car barns and oil barrel storage areas there. We could not stop the progress despite the uniqueness of the site as a significant original historic landmark. I guess the EPA trumps the National Trust for Historic Presentation when there is a statute of limitations for historic revitalization which ends and the property is scheduled for environmental reclamation. We emphasized/sympathized with people's frustration over the loss of the historic integrity of the property, yet the ECHF and our organization were powerless to do anything due to the limitations of the agreement."

A reader says, "I grew up in Mine 40 Windber. That giant slag heap was looming right out our kitchen window. Everyone used to call it, "The Rock Dump" My dad worked in Mine 40. One time I went into the entryway of the wash house and there was a plaque on the wall with names of the miners who died in the mine. I always wondered whatever happened to that. I went back to Mine 40 in 2017. First time back in 20 years. Yeah, everything is pretty much gone except the Power House. Mother Nature is reclaiming it all. All that's left of the company store is the concrete front porch. Never forget the night it burned down. Everyone in that little town came down to the bottom of Second Street and watched it burn."

Image courtesy Windber Area Museum
Great old picture of the Eureka No. 40 coal mining complex from when it was active. How do you like the size of that tailings pile?

Circa 1959 image
I was surprised to be watching at TV show called "Sea Hunt" tonight and see Eureka No. 40 in an episode. This is a screen shot from that episode, and it shows what the colliery looked like when it was active. I also noticed that the guy that played one of the coal miners in the episode later played Mr. Ziffel on "Green Acres."

Nov. 2003 image by author
An overall view of the coal mining town of Eureka No. 40 at Scalp Level, Pennsylvania. The abandoned tipple is on the right, the large powerhouse is to the left of that, and the patch town is to the left and behind the powerhouse.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The Eureka No. 40 company town, built in 1905 by the Berwind White Coal Company to house the workers of the No. 40 coal mine. Note the large slate dump in the background.

Nov. 2003 image by author
These company-built houses on First Street originally looked alike, but have since been individualized with enclosed porches and different colors.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The rear of a row of patch houses at Eureka No. 40.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The Eureka No. 40 tipple, built in 1928 by Roberts and Schaefer. The unsheeted building in front of the tipple must have been an auxillary preparation plant built at a later date. After the 1940s this tipple processed the coal for Eureka Nos. 35, 36, and 37 mines as well. Equipment used at this plant in 1955 included a Chance cone, Arms air tables, shaker screens, picking tables, and dustless oil treatment. By 1959 Multilouvre Heat Dryers and a Hydrotator had been added.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The other side of the tipple, which utilizes concrete construction on it's lower portion and sheeted steel and wood on the upper floors.

Nov. 2003 image by author
What looks like a Chance sand cone in the ruins of the auxillary plant. Note the wooden floors.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The coal company initaials and mine name were cast in the side of the Eureka No. 40 tipple.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The large powerhouse was still standing behind the tipple and auxillary plant. When it was built in 1906 it provided power for not only the Eureka No. 40 mine, but also many of Berwind White's other nearby mines.

Nov. 2003 image by author
There are only a few - maybe none at all - active coal mines remaining in America still using a turnover car dumper like this one.

Nov. 2003 image by author
These are the kind of underground rail cars that were emptied in the car dumper pictured above.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The purpose of this small steel car is a mystery to me. Perhaps it was used to transport tools or equipment underground. It also could have transported an injured coal miner.

Nov. 2003 image by author
There were many mine motors still sitting in the locomotive shelter (motor house), like this Baldwin-Westinghouse unit that probably dates back to the 1920s.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The sealed mine portal into the Lower Kittanning seam of coal. Berwind White Coal Co. closed the Eureka No. 40 mine in 1962. Apparently they leased the mine to other operators: Papers addressed to the Jandy Coal Co. dating from the early 1980s were in the old superintendent's office.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The bathhouse at Eureka No. 40 was built in 1923.

Nov. 2003 image by author
Inside the bathhouse.

Nov. 2003 image by author
Detail of the front of the mine office, across the alley from the bathhouse.

Nov. 2003 image by author
The safe inside the Eureka No. 40 office.

Nov. 2003 image by author
Eureka No. 40 was one of the most intact coal mining sites remaining in Pennsylvania before it was tragically demolished around 2011 or 2012.

2011 image by Sam Baker
Eureka 40 mine beind demolished during the summer of 2011. There goes the turnover car dumper.

Dec. 2008 image by John Blough
Tipple ruins and boney pile (aka slate dump).

Image courtesy of Wayne
Wayne sent in this picture, and wrote, "In 1998 the guard at Eureka 40 allowed me to take a light from what we think is a mine car. It says, 'Grouse Hinds Co.' on a plate at the top. It reads, "Grouse Hinds Co., Incadescent Type MB CAT NO. 80450, Ohio Brass Co., Mansfield Ohio."

Image courtesy of Wayne
Another picture of Wayne's mine car light.

Feb. 2012 image by Sam Baker
Sam sent me this sad picture from Eureka No. 40 and wrote, "This is what is left at Eureka 40. Everything else has burned or been demolished except the power plant."

2018 image by author
Around 1910 Eureka No. 40 mine had progressed far enough back that it became necessary to make a new mine shaft for ventilation and access. It was named Berkley Shaft, and this building still in use as a garage remains from Berkley Shaft.

G.S. writes, "I personally went to work in Mine #40 after high school and knew the first day I was in there that I wasn't staying - not because it was any different than any other mine - just because I wasn't cut out to be under a ceiling that seemed to me to be no higher than the lid of a coffin would offer. I worked two weeks to get a full paycheck and quit. However, I took a walk yesterday and made a visit to the mine entrance of Mine 40. I took a few interesting and shockingly dangerous photos of the old and 'supposedly sealed' entrance, and wondered if you would like to see them or possibly use them on your website? I took several inside the entrance but I dared go no further. I am a lifelong resident of Windber and I love history. Since I am now retired, I have been snooping around some of Windber's old mines and trying to get modern day views of what they (the portals) look like today. Mine #35's portal for instance was covered over a few years back and is now nothing more than a pile of strip cut slag. Mine #40 however is a different story. You may already know that all the old tipples, loading areas, etc. are now gone forever at Mine #40 and most of the other mines. When I walked down to 40 last week, I was completely stunned at what I found. I've attached five pictures for you to see and use if you want. I just think it's a fascinating part of this town's history and it's sad to see it being allowed to just completely disappear forever."

2015 image courtesy of G.S., Windber, Pa.
Metal door over the Eureka 40 portal.

2015 image courtesy of G.S., Windber, Pa.
Behind the metal door.

2015 image courtesy of G.S., Windber, Pa.
Inscription on the lintel over the portal reads "Eureka No. 40 - 1904"

2015 image courtesy of G.S., Windber, Pa.
Looking through the hole someone knocked out of the concrete block seal into the mine.

2015 image courtesy of G.S., Windber, Pa.
This is another sealed mine portal that G.S. believes was a haulage way portal for mine cars, whereas the portal shown above was probably a mantrip portal.


Fitzsimons, Gray, editor. Blair County and Cambria County, Pennsylvania; An Inventory of Historic Engineering and Industrial Sites. 1990.